Kafka Streams state stores…

This blog explores some common aspects of state stores in Kafka Streams…

Default state store

By default, Kafka Streams uses the RocksDB as it’s default state store

In-memory or persistent ?

This parameter of the state store is configurable. RocksDB can work in both modes and you can toggle this using the Stores factory API.

Stores.KeyValueFactory<String,Double> baseKVFactory = Stores.create("my-state-store")
Stores.InMemoryKeyValueFactory<String, Double> inMemoryKVFactory = baseKVFactory.inMemory(); //ON-heap
StateStoreSupplier imMemoryStateStoreSupplier = inMemoryKVFactory.build();
Stores.PersistentValueFactory<String, Double> persistentKVFactory = baseKVFactory.persistent(); //OFF-heap
StateStoreSupplier persistentStateStoreSupplier = persistentKVFactory.build();

Once the StateStoreSupplier (api) is created it can be used in the (high level) Kafka Streams DSL API as well as the (low level) Processor API

KStream<String,Double> streamFromKafka = ….; // from kafka topic
KGroupedStream<String,Double> groupedStream = streamFromKafka.groupByKey();
groupedStream.count(inMemoryKVFactory); OR
groupedStream.count(persistentKVFactory); OR
//Processor API – use TopologyBuilder to associate state stores
TopologyBuilder builder = new TopologyBuilder();
builder.addStateStore(inMemoryKVFactory, "processor-1"); OR
builder.addStateStore(persistentKVFactory, "processor-1");
//get a handle to the store using ProcessorContext
ProcessorContext pc = … ;
KeyValueStore<String, Double> kvStateStore = (KeyValueStore<String, Double>) pc.getStateStore("my-state-store");

Persistent storage medium

In case of persistent stores,  RocksDB (default) flushes the state store contents to the file system which can be specified by the StreamsConfig.STATE_DIR_CONFIG (this is not a compulsory parameter)

config.put(StreamsConfig.STATE_DIR_CONFIG, "my-state-store")


  • this state store is managed by Kafka Streams internally
  • it is also replicated to Kafka (for fault tolerance and elasticity) topic – this is log compacted topic and nothing but a changelog of the local state store contents (this is the default behavior which is also configurable using the enableLogging method or can be turned off using disableLogging 
  • it is possible to query these state stores using interactive queries feature

DSL vs Processor API

There are differences in the way DSL and Processor APIs handle state stores

Read-only vs writable stores

the DSL API restricts access to a read-only view of the state store (via ReadOnlyKeyValueStore) as opposed to the Processor API using which you can get access to a writable view which allows you to mutate the state store

KafkaStreams ks = …;
ReadOnlyKeyValueStore<String, Double> myStore = ks.store(storeName,
QueryableStoreTypes.<String, Double>keyValueStore());
//Processor API
ProcessorContext pc = … ;
KeyValueStore<String, Double> kvStateStore = (KeyValueStore<String, Double>) pc.getStateStore("my-state-store");
kvStateStore.put("my-key",2); //mutate operation

Custom state stores

As of now (0.10.2) it’s not possible to plugin your custom state store implementation when using the DSL API. This means that with the DSL API, you are limited to the RocksDB based state store implementation. With the Processor API, it’s possible to configure a custom implementation (more on this below)

Custom state stores

As mentioned earlier, the Processor API gives you the freedom to use your own state store in a streams application. You can wrap your custom state store on top of the Kafka Streams API itself – by implementing the required interfaces like StateStore , StateStoreSupplier etc. More details here. Doing this will allow you to query the state store using standard Kafka Streams APIs

But …..

A custom state implementation might already have a query feature.. So does it still make sense to wrap it with the Kafka Streams interfaces/APIs ?

the answer is yes.. if…

you want to leverage the fault tolerance and elastic capabilities which are come for free (if configured using aforementioned parameters) with the Kafka Streams API – this is due to the changelog topic which is created in Kafka (corresponding to each state store). A custom state store implementation which is not based on the Streams API

  • will not interact with the Kafka broker to backup the state stores, as a result of which
  • task re-distribution during scale-in/scale-out will not be possible since the participating application nodes will not be able to synchronize the latest changes made to other local stores due to the lack of a global checkpoint

Note that this problem can be circumvented with the help of an inherently distributed state store implementation which all the stream processing application instances can access

Other stuff


About Abhishek

Loves Go, NoSQL DBs and messaging systems
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3 Responses to Kafka Streams state stores…

  1. Pingback: Last week in Stream Processing & Analytics – 27.03.2017 | Enjoy IT - SOA, Java, Event-Driven Computing and Integration

  2. Sergio says:

    How can you implement the processor?


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